Echos of the Forgotten

Alex Motor
5 min readNov 15, 2023


Chapter 1:

The walls of Leo Stinton’s office were a living museum, lined with ancient artifacts, each a testament to history’s passage, encased in dusty glass and the scent of age. Time itself seemed to have stilled within these walls, tethered to an age that had long since ceased to breathe, and yet lingered on, like an echo of a bygone era.

The room was filled with the scents of musty parchment, age-old wood, and the faint tang of metal. Each relic seemed to whisper secrets only to those who truly listened, their stories locked within timeworn features, waiting to be discovered, waiting for a voice.

In the center of this room, a universe unto itself, Leo sat at his heavy, scarred oak desk, hunched over a manuscript. His eyes, weary yet intent, traced the faded ink of bygone days, his hands carefully handling pages that had seen centuries come and go.

His surroundings were a palette of grays and muted browns, colors that seemed to seep into his very soul, leaving a residue of emptiness, a dull ache that settled in the corners of his mind. The stark fluorescent light overhead cast an artificial and almost eerie glow on his pale skin, accentuating the dark circles under his eyes, betraying nights consumed by an insatiable curiosity.

For Leo, life had become an exercise in mundane repetition, a sequence of actions executed with mechanical precision but void of genuine enthusiasm or spark. Day after monotonous day, he immersed himself in the stories of the past, cloaking himself with their dust and shadows. Yet these tales were not his; they were echoes of lives once vibrant but now forgotten, resonating within a room that had become a sanctuary of silence.

Today’s work was a cataloging project, a detailed documentation of various pieces from an ancient civilization. The process was meticulous, requiring careful attention to each object’s history, origin, and significance. It was a work that demanded precision, that required a mind tuned to the nuances of the past. But Leo’s mind drifted, his thoughts detached from the task at hand. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, his breath momentarily fogging the lens of the magnifying glass before him, a transient moment, a fleeting reminder of life amidst stagnation.

The room was filled with history, but a shelf laden with scrolls and manuscripts seemed to beckon to him, and for a brief, surreal second, the parchment seemed to glow with a soft, warm light. But it was an illusion, a trick of his weary and strained eyes, for as he blinked, the glow vanished, replaced by the same cold gray that pervaded his existence.

The artifact that commanded his attention today was an ancient coin, worn and corroded by time. Its surface bore the faint imprint of a face, a king or perhaps a deity, but its features were eroded, leaving behind only a vague outline. Like Leo’s own past, it was a remnant, its original beauty and purpose obscured by age, neglect, and the ravages of time.

As he examined the coin, his fingers delicately tracing the worn edges, he felt an inexplicable pang of recognition, a sensation that stirred something deep within him. It was as if the artifact called to a part of himself long buried and forgotten, a connection that resonated in the silence of the room.

The room’s only window was small and situated high on the wall, offering a limited view of the world beyond. The city of New Lyria sprawled outside, its streets teeming with life and color. From Leo’s vantage point, the city seemed distant and blurred, its vibrancy lost in a mosaic of undefined shapes and shades. The city’s pulse was far away, replaced by a perception tinted with gray, a world devoid of hue and emotion.

His office was an embodiment of his existence — a place of solitude, filled with the remnants of the past, isolated from the world’s vitality. The artifacts were his silent companions, each one a symbol of a time when life was imbued with passion and meaning. Now, they were mere shadows, their essence dulled by time’s relentless march.

Leo’s fingers found their way to a small locket tucked within the confines of his shirt. It was a simple, unadorned piece, yet it held a significance that transcended its appearance. Inside was a faded photograph, a captured moment from a past that seemed like another lifetime. The faces within were smiling, eyes sparkling with joy and love, but those eyes no longer met Leo’s; they were lost to him, hidden behind the veil of memory and time’s unforgiving embrace.

A profound sense of longing washed over him, a yearning for something he could not quite define. He felt trapped, ensnared by the routine of his life, bound by the weight of his past and the isolation that had become his reality. The world around him seemed stagnant, each day a reflection of the last, a never-ending cycle of emptiness and gray.

The hours passed, marked only by the ticking of the old wall clock, its monotonous rhythm a relentless reminder of time’s inexorable progression. Finally, with a heavy sigh, Leo pushed himself away from his desk, his body aching from hours of immobility. His work was done for the day, yet a sense of dissatisfaction lingered, a nagging feeling that something was amiss, something profound and unspoken.

As he reached for his coat, his hand brushed against a small, unassuming box tucked away on a corner shelf. It was plain and nondescript, easily overlooked amidst the room’s treasures. But something about it called to him, a pull that was both inexplicable and irresistible.

With a sense of trepidation, he opened the box, revealing a crystal pendant. It was an artifact he had come across years ago, its origins unknown, its purpose a mystery. As he held it up to the light, the crystal seemed to come alive, its facets capturing the artificial glow and transforming it into a dance of color. For a brief moment, Leo’s world was filled with light, the grayness pushed back by a brilliance that took his breath away.

But as quickly as it had appeared, the radiance vanished, leaving behind only the dull fluorescence of the room. The pendant was once again lifeless, its beauty hidden, its secrets locked within.

With a heavy heart, Leo placed the pendant back in its box, his mind filled with a sense of loss and confusion. The world around him seemed even grayer now, the colors drained, the vibrancy muted.

As he stepped out of his office, leaving behind the stillness of the Gray Archives, he knew that something had shifted within him. A door had been opened, a path revealed. The crystal pendant had awakened something, a longing, a desire for something more.

But for now, the secrets remained hidden, the colors subdued. Leo’s world was still a palette of grays, his existence defined by the burden of his past and the isolation that had become his reality…



Alex Motor

I am a freelance web developer who loves to create beautiful websites that drive customer interaction.